I have had the opportunity to work with these sweet kids a few times now. Trying to get 3 this age to all look, smile, and stay still at the same time offers some challenges! But they are so sweet, so high energy, and so cute, it is all worthwhile in the end! Love the beautiful blue eyes!
Baby Major is Here!
27 September, 2010
Excuse me while I get ridiculous in this posting, but I LOVED DOING THESE! I went to high school with both mom and dad, and I was in their wedding a few years back. They are sweet, sweet friends, and this baby, well, I fell in love with him! He is only 2 weeks old in these, and so perfect in every way! I feel so blessed to be having another boy after spending a few hours with him!
Back for Her 7 Month Portraits!
26 September, 2010
I am going to have to say it again.... she is more beautiful every single month. We usually just do these at my home to make it easier on everyone, especially until she is standing and walking. She is so pleasant, and her accessories make me a little jealous that I am not having another girl :), BUT, I did get to take the most adorable newborn boy portraits last week and that got me all excited for my new arrival! I can live vicariously through these mothers of baby girls!
I LOVE THE FALL..... And this beautiful family!
25 September, 2010
You know.... they always say parents are biased when they talk about how beautiful their children and babies are. Maybe I am a biased photographer, but every time I am working on newborn/ children's portraits, I think "These are the most gorgeous children!". This was no exception. I loved that we did the portraits on land that meant something to the family.... mom and dad were actually married here. They are big hunters, so it was fun to incorporate the camo. And I loved using the warm, fall colors for the newborn (5 weeks), because even though it was humid and we were still getting attacked by mosquitos (the story of my life lately!), October is almost here, and it is officially Fall!
Baby Grayson Comes to Town!
19 September, 2010
Our family came to visit this weekend, and though we all exchanged colds, stomach viruses, and all that good stuff, we had a good time overall! Grayson has grown so much! We don't get to see him nearly as much as we would like to, but I love to take a few pics when we do! We thought the red hat in my new antique bowl would make a cute Christmas card. He is 7 months old, crawling all over the place, and observes his cousins very intensely (I'm sure he is thinking.... "WHAT ARE THEY DOING???") Don't worry Grayson, I ask the same thing!
A Quiet Evening in Downtown San Antonio
15 September, 2010
These are good friends of mine, and I was really ecstatic when they asked me to do some family portraits. With 3 children, Mom is busy, and as much as you want your children's lives documented, sometimes making the time for portraits is hard. Poor Dad even had to miss the first Cowboys game kickoff, but I got them in and out in record time and bet he was home in plenty of time for the 2nd half. They are ALL beautiful, sweet people.

Mr. L.... Cute Little Cowboy!
13 September, 2010
What a perfect night for a sunset and a lot of fun, rusty, farm equipment! I love doing stuff like this, and L gave me a lot of serious, "Mr. Man" expression to go with his diaper, "doo rag", and boots! His mom and dad are always so easy going and fun to work with, and though they were both feeling a little under the weather, they hung in there and got his 18 month portraits done. Thank you for another great evening!

Little Stud Muffin!
09 September, 2010
My Jaxson.... it's funny how used to the camera he has gotten! Loved the tricycle pictures because this book belonged to Paxton.
Nest Feathers in Pleasanton
07 September, 2010
If you are looking for some rare treasures including ADORABLE baby/ children's gifts, antiques, beautiful paintings, candles, and much more, look no further than Nest Feathers. I love it for home decor, and for portrait ideas and unexpected props. If I only I could start all over in my own house and re-furnish it with everything from the store! A girl can dream! Also, for the bride and groom, a great place to register... (just keep me in mind for the engagement portraits)!

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