First of all, I was SCARED TO DEATH of this session (you should never show fear to child by the way!!!). But her mother had already told me that she has few pictures of this little cutie because getting photographed just isn't her favorite thing. I saw her at my daughter's school the day before the session and said "I can't wait to take pictures of you!!!! Are you going to smile???" And she giggled, said "NO....." and ran away. Yikes!!! I was in for it. Not that this was my first camera shy model... she is just soooo cute and I really wanted to capture everything I could for her mom. OH MY GOODNESS... I was pleasantly surprised. I was able to work fast, because I knew she was only going to give me so much, and she did a wonderful job! Thank you Little Miss T..... I can't wait until next time!

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