Let me tell you.... getting to this baby was much harder than you can imagine. Paxton had a banquet in Dallas last weekend, and our plan was to go up on the Wed. before to see the baby and help out the family. We ALL got sick.... fever, coughing, congestion, etc. So, of course we couldn't get near the baby. We all waited all week/ weekend for the symptoms to let up so we could go see the new addition! FINALLY, on Sunday, I was well enough and had been on antibiotics enough to go see little baby boy, and do his portraits. The rest of my family never got to see him, and I am so sorry to my sweet sister- in- law, but I got my mother-in-law sick (sorry to you too Mary Ann!), so now she cannot help her out this week!!! I feel terrible!!! But I am in love with his precious little face in these pictures!!! So at least that part turned out okay!
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