Notes From a Photographer to Herself

04 December, 2010
I am up early this morning brainstorming and trying to organize my thoughts and ideas.  I am thankful for my photog. blog and my family blog because it helps me keep everything straight, and all in one place.  This is my last full weekend of appointments before Christmas (I am shutting down early so that I can process orders, and be with my family).... I have 3 today and 2 tomorrow.  Sometimes I find every session running together and I start repeating too much... that is the last thing I want to do.  Today I am most likely going to be dealing with a few lighting challenges as it has been SO SUNNY lately (surprisingly not a good thing), but instead of just hiding from the light under overhangs and old porches (which I will be doing a lot of regardless), I want to try to creatively use the light for some dramatic effects without completely washing out the client.  That is my first goal.  Next, I am dealing with SEVERAL different age groups, from barely toddlers, to teenagers, to all family.  I want to give each session a lot of thought so that I am completely prepared for each one.  I want to incorporate lots of texture and angles, especially for my creative package clients who want more than just the basics.  For my basic package clients, I want to be sure they are receiving crisp, modern.  I am hearing my little Jax call my name and ready to get out of bed, so I will say a little prayer that I will do my best today and go give him a hug!


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