Camera Tip: Tilting Your Camera and Using Angles

13 September, 2011
We all love modern photography with fun angles, urban or vintage tints and textures, super bright eyes, etc....  BUT, what makes a portrait truly beautiful, and more than just an overworked snapshot, is knowing when to use these effects, and how dramatic they should be without being ridiculous.  In particular, I want to talk about camera tilt.  When I first started, I was always tilting my camera just to do it because everyone thought that made a picture good.  The more I do this, the more I realize that there is a time to tilt, and to play with angles, and it's not every time.  Try to think about what you are trying to achieve with the shot.  If it is a highly interactive, fun shot, then yes... tilt your camera, get way below the subject or way above... anything that will emphasis the playfulness of the shot.  An eye level, straight on shot may not portray any feeling or mood.  But pay attention to the amount you are tilting, and if you are being dramatic with it, also take a few that aren't tilted and highly angled, just so you have some options.  Sometimes we want to be creative, and it just doesn't work with the composition, and that's okay if you have some back-ups.   

On the two below, I really went back and forth on which I really liked, but I'm glad I had both to present.   I really think the "un-tilted" pic works best, but you be the judge.


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